Episode 283
Oh, what a week! (with Rep. Ellen Pogemiller)
Uh...can we vent for just a sec? This week has been *a lot* and we all need to let it out a little bit, because next week is the Governor's State of the State address and the start of the legislative session. Deep breaths, friends.
- OCC investigation into Todd Hiett ends, says behavior was isolated. Ethics Commission investigation about conflict of interest is ongoing.
- SCOTUS taking up St. Isidore Oklahoma Catholic Virtual Charter School case
- Teacher shortage continues, with more than 5,000 emergency certified teachers statewide
- Oklahoma student achieve still very low, but Walters wants to focus on other things
- Governor Stitt wants a tax cut
- Legislative leaders sound supportive, but it’s still early
- And he wants to send incarcerated undocumented out of OK, but there’s a catch…